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SaaS platform for managing student councils and clubs

A SaaS platform designed to streamline the management and organization of student councils and clubs, providing tools for communication, event planning, document management, and member engagement.

Overall Viability
Market Need
User Interest
Competitive Landscape
Monetization Potential

Keyword Search Analysis

Keyword Monthly Search Volumes

KeywordAvg SearchesDifficultyCompetition
education management tools1057MEDIUM
gym membership software290037MEDIUM
school management software1210028LOW
club membership software59036MEDIUM
learning management platforms990038MEDIUM
gym membership management software32029LOW
gym membership system17040MEDIUM
free lms for teachers21041MEDIUM

Problem Statement

  • Based on discussions on Reddit, managing student councils and clubs is a challenging task with multiple pain points.
  • Users frequently mention issues such as missed deadlines, poor workflow, miscommunications, and lack of organization in managing tasks and events (source: Reddit - studentsph).
  • Current tools either don’t fit the specific needs of student councils or are too expensive and complex for students to implement effectively (source: Reddit - IAmA).
  • Essential tasks like event planning, document management, and communication are often managed separately, leading to fragmented workflows that further exacerbate inefficiencies (source: Reddit - Utah).

Target Audience Insights

  • The primary users of the platform include high school and college students who are part of student councils and clubs.
  • Demographics: Mostly students aged 15-25, with a significant proportion involved in leadership roles within their educational institutions.
  • Interests: These students are typically interested in productivity tools, event planning, effective communication, and data management (source: Reddit - IAmA).
  • Behaviors: They often search for free or low-cost solutions as school budgets are usually limited. They prioritize functionality over aesthetics (source: Reddit - DigitalMarketing).

Competitive Analysis

Key Competitors Identified from Reddit Discussions

TrelloUser-friendly, versatile, free-tier availableLacks specific features for student organizations, such as event management or member tracking
NotionHighly customizable, integrates notes and database managementCan be complex to set up for specific use cases, can become expensive with more users
Google WorkspaceComprehensive suite including calendars, document sharing, and communication toolsRequires internet, often not optimally designed for task management and event planning

Reddit Insights Table

SourcePositive FeedbackNegative Feedback
Reddit - IAmAOpen-source alternatives; community-driven improvementsComplexity in features; not always intuitive for new users
Reddit - studentsphTools like Notion and Google Sheets are useful for task trackingDifficulties in coordinating events and real-time collaboration
Reddit - personalfinanceRecommendation of Excel for personalized trackingLack of features for team collaboration and large-scale event management

Business Model

  • Monetization Strategies:
    • Freemium Model: Basic features are free for student councils and clubs, with premium features available as paid options.
    • Subscription Plans: Tiered pricing based on features and the number of users.
    • Institutional Licenses: Selling bulk licenses to schools and universities.
  • Cost Structure:
    • Development and Maintenance: Continuous improvement and bug fixes.
    • Marketing and Outreach: Targeting educational institutions and student organizations.
    • Customer Support: Providing support to user issues and inquiries.
  • Partnerships and Resources:
    • Educational Institutions: Partnering with schools and colleges for pilot programs and feedback.
    • EdTech Blogs and Forums: Leveraging platforms where students and educators discuss productivity tools.

Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Plan

  • Core Features:

    • Task Management: Handling assignments, deadlines, and workflows.
    • Event Planning: Calendar integration, event scheduling, and notifications.
    • Communication Tools: Real-time messaging and announcements.
    • Document Management: Centralized repository for important documents.
    • Member Engagement: Tracking participation and sending polls/surveys.
  • Timeline and Milestones:

    • Month 1-2: Research and planning, gather feedback from potential users, finalize feature set.
    • Month 3-4: Development starts, focusing on core features.
    • Month 5-6: Internal testing and debugging.
    • Month 7: Launch MVP, gather user feedback, and start iterations.
  • Success Metrics:

    • User Adoption Rate: Number of schools or student councils using the platform.
    • User Engagement: Frequency of feature usage, active monthly users.
    • Feedback and Satisfaction: User reviews, Net Promoter Score (NPS).

Go-to-Market Strategy

  • Launch Strategy:

    • Soft Launch: Introduce the MVP to a select group of schools and student councils for feedback.
    • Official Launch: Public release with targeted campaigns.
  • Marketing and Sales Strategies:

    • Social Media Campaigns: Use platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Reddit to reach students and educators.
    • Content Marketing: Blog posts, webinars, and tutorials on productivity and event management.
    • Email Campaigns: Targeted emails to school administrators and student council leaders.
  • Primary Channels:

    • Educational Websites and Forums: Partnering with platforms frequented by students.
    • Social Media: Creating engaging content to share tips and platform features.
    • Direct Outreach: Contacting school administrators and student organizations directly for demos and presentations.

By focusing on these structured steps, the SaaS platform can address the outlined problems effectively and position itself as a valuable tool for managing student councils and clubs.

Relevant Sources

Student Council Management


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r/IAmA - February 20, 2021

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r/Utah - June 10, 2023

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r/Daniellarson - January 28, 2024

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r/selfhosted - April 11, 2023

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