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An application where locals can recommend places and shops to visit

An app that enables locals to share their recommendations of places and shops, helping users discover hidden gems and must-visit locations in a community.

Overall Viability
Market Need
User Interest
Competitive Landscape
Monetization Potential

Keyword Search Analysis

Keyword Monthly Search Volumes

KeywordAvg SearchesDifficultyCompetition
local recommendations app305LOW
best places to visit4050021LOW
explore with locals1027LOW
places to visit near me67300016LOW
places to go near me30100013LOW
best holiday destinations2220029LOW
fun places to go near me4050022LOW
best family vacation spots1810043MEDIUM

Problem Statement

  • Many people face difficulties discovering the best places and shops to visit in their local area. This is often due to a lack of reliable and consolidated recommendations tailored to specific community interests.
  • Issues mentioned on Reddit:
    • Information Overload: Users express frustration with the overwhelming number of apps to discover local places, with many yielding inconsistent quality or catered for specific niches (Reddit post).
    • Quality of Recommendations: Quality and reliability of local recommendations are vital, as some apps are criticized for not fetching real user-created data (Reddit post).
    • User Experience: Users have mentioned delays and difficulties in navigating certain recommendation apps due to poor UI/UX (Reddit post).

Target Audience Insights

  • Demographics:
    • Predominantly tech-savvy millennials and Gen Z.
    • Subsets of the population including tourists, new residents, and locals looking for niche recommendations.
  • Interests:
    • Seeking authentic and unique experiences over commercial joints.
    • High interest in food, cafes, and hidden gem spots (Reddit post).
  • Behaviors:
    • Engage with platforms where they can trust peer reviews and localized content.
    • Extensive use of Reddit for honest feedback and seeking advice on new services (Reddit post).
  • Common Themes:
    • Strong desire for community involvement and supporting local businesses.
    • Frustration with generic recommendations that do not reflect personal and local tastes (Reddit post).

Competitor Analysis

YelpExtensive database, wide coverage, user reviewsMixed review authenticity, can be pricey for businesses (source)
TripAdvisorGlobal reach, helpful for travelers, verified reviewsNot focused on locals, overwhelming number of commercial establishments (source)
Google MapsEasy access, integrates well with other Google services, street viewReviews can be unreliable, crowded interface, not personalized (source)
NextdoorHyper-localized, community-centric, good for neighborhood alertsLimited geographical scope, can become a hyperlocal social media (source)
Foursquare/SwarmGamified experience, explores unique places, user-generated dataCan be seen as less serious, limited user base growth (source)

Business Model

  • Monetization Strategies:
    • Freemium Model: Offer basic recommendation features for free, premium features include curated local guides, exclusive deals, and ad-free experience.
    • Sponsored Listings: Local businesses can pay to be featured prominently in specific queries or popular recommendation lists.
    • Affiliate Partnerships: Earn a commission by recommending experiences or products from partners.
  • Cost Structure:
    • Development and maintenance costs of the app.
    • Marketing and user acquisition expenses.
    • Costs related to data acquisition and partnerships with local businesses.
  • Partnerships and Resources:
    • Collaborations with local businesses for exclusive promotions.
    • Affiliations with tourism boards, local influencers, and community groups.
    • Robust data analytics resources to refine recommendations and user targeting.

Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Plan

  • Core Features:
    1. User profiles and localized recommendations.
    2. Rating and review system for recommendations.
    3. GPS-based place discovery.
    4. User-generated content for hidden gems and favorite spots.
    5. Basic social sharing features.
  • Timeline and Milestones:
    • Month 1-2: Initial development setup, backend, and frontend frameworks.
    • Month 3-4: Alpha testing with basic features, user feedback integration.
    • Month 5-6: Beta release with additional features, marketing campaign launch.
    • Month 7-8: Full MVP deployment, user acquisition, and partnerships.
  • Success Metrics:
    • User engagement rate (daily/weekly active users).
    • Retention rate after the first week/month.
    • Number of local businesses partnered with.
    • User-generated content and reviews quantity.

Go-to-Market Strategy

  • Market Introduction:
    • Launch a geographically limited beta test to refine the platform based on real user feedback.
    • Engage with community leaders and influencers to endorse the app.
  • Marketing and Sales Strategies:
    • Utilize social media campaigns highlighting user-generated content and local gems.
    • Launch referral programs to encourage user growth.
    • Host local events and partnerships with businesses to drive awareness and trial.
  • Primary Channels:
    • Social Media Platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter for community engagement.
    • Reddit Ads: Target local subreddits to reach potential early adopters.
    • SEO and Content Marketing: Regular blog posts featuring local businesses and user stories that drive organic traffic.

By focusing on genuine and community-driven content, this app can fill a significant gap in the market for personalized and reliable local recommendations. The strategies outlined are positioned to effectively launch, grow, and sustain the app in today's competitive market.

Relevant Sources

local shops recommendations


Local jewelry shop recommendations.

r/sarasota - February 14, 2024

I have a diamond ring that is loose in its setting. Does anyone have a local family owned jewelry shop that they can recommend?


Bike lock recommendations for local shopping?

r/burlington - May 14, 2024

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r/AskSF - April 14, 2024

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r/SideProject - June 1, 2024

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Tempo Traveller on Rent in Faridabad for Local Sightseeing

r/u_Actempo121 - May 15, 2024

Book a luxury AC tempo Traveller in Faridabad for comfortable commuting and explore the best places and attractions in the city.

place recommendations by locals


Overlanding Solo across India, recommendations on places to visit, please.

r/SoloTravel_India - April 7, 2024

starting tonight from Bangalore, going on a solo overlanding trip across India. This is a minimum 6 month trip, so, I can go to a lot of places and I need recommendations.


Recommendations for Buffalo’s best places to visit?

r/Buffalo - February 6, 2024

I’m here visiting my partner for a few weeks and wanted to ask what’s the BEST places to go to before I leave? Like what makes Buffalo, Buffalo?


Recommendations for places to visit in this area or surrounding areas? I like nature, lakes, falls, swimming, horse riding...

r/centralpa - June 5, 2024

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What places do you recommend to visit that locals go to? Want to avoid the overrated tourist spots.

r/JapanTravelTips - May 22, 2024

We are doing Tokyo > Osaka > Kyoto > Hiroshima > Fukuoka > Tokyo for the rest of the trip.


any recommendations for interesting places to visit?

r/burlington - April 4, 2024

i’m visiting burlington this weekend for the eclipse, any crystal/witchy stores, thrift stores, antique stores, or hidden gems would be lovely!

hidden gems


Are There Any Hidden Gem Cities Or Towns Located In Pennsylvania?

r/Pennsylvania - June 2, 2024

If there are any, what are they? Every state has hidden gems.


Show off thread! What are some hidden gems in your city? Areas that people would not expect to be located in your city?

r/SameGrassButGreener - May 27, 2024

Riverdale, Bronx, Malba, Queens, TDOT hill, Staten Island, Fort Washington Park in Manhattan.


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r/travel_deals - June 1, 2024

Explore Your City on a Budget | 15 Cheap Hidden Gems in Your Own City | ...


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r/Bangkok - February 18, 2024

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