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Step by step guide creation Chrome extension

A Chrome extension that enables users to create step-by-step guides and tutorials easily within the browser, aimed at enhancing productivity and instructional clarity.

Overall Viability
Market Need
User Interest
Competitive Landscape
Monetization Potential

Keyword Search Analysis

Keyword Monthly Search Volumes

KeywordAvg SearchesDifficultyCompetition
step by step guide99002LOW
how to guide software2024LOW
chrome extension12200002LOW
productivity tool1480031LOW
create step by step instructions26027LOW
project management software11000043MEDIUM
power bi274000010LOW
inventory management software24600039MEDIUM

Problem Statement

Based on Reddit discussions, users frequently encounter difficulties in creating step-by-step guides and tutorials. These challenges are multi-faceted:

  • Efficiency and Ease of Use: Users often seek tools that allow them to create comprehensive guides efficiently. They prefer solutions that automate steps and include multimedia elements (screenshots, videos, etc.) without extensive manual input (source).
  • Integration Issues: There are mention of problems integrating with other tools or platforms, making it difficult to maintain consistency across various instructional materials (source).
  • Accuracy and Clarity: Ensuring that the step-by-step guides are clear and accurate is a consistent challenge, particularly when updating guides over time (source).

Existing solutions mentioned include:

  • Guidde: Free Chrome extension for creating step-by-step guides. Praised for its simplicity but lacks advanced features for professional use (source).
  • Wizardshot: Allows automatic creation of tutorials by recording actions. It's free and appreciated for its automated screenshot capturing but requires improvement in tracking completion rates and user engagement (source).
  • Driveway: Automated creation of step-by-step training guides with screenshots. Effective but user base questions its scalability for larger teams (source).

Target Audience Insights


  • Age: Predominantly adults aged 25-45.
  • Occupation: Notable mentions from educators, corporate trainers, software developers, and content creators (source).
  • Location: Primarily North America and Europe.

Interests and Behaviors

  • Interests: Productivity tools, educational platforms, project management software (source).
  • Behaviors: Strong preference for tools that integrate seamlessly with their existing workflow and platforms (Google Docs, Slack, Notion, etc.) (source).

Common Themes and Sentiments

  • Need for Simplicity: Users value intuitive and user-friendly interfaces (source).
  • Desire for Automation: Tools that minimize manual input and automate repetitive tasks are highly appreciated (source).
  • Feedback and Iteration: Open to providing feedback and expects regular updates and improvements on the tools they use (source).

Competitor Analysis

Key Competitors

Guidde- Simple and free to use<br> - Quick setup<br> - Easy integration with other platforms- Limited advanced features<br> - Basic user tracking and analytics
Wizardshot- Automates tutorial creation<br> - Integrates well with Helpjuice<br> - Free forever- Limited customization<br> - Needs better completion tracking and user interaction analytics
Driveway- Autonomously creates detailed training guides<br> - Captures screenshots effectively- Uncertainty around scalability for larger teams<br> - Requires consistent updates and new features


Business Model

Monetization Strategies

  • Freemium Model: Basic features available for free and premium features (e.g., advanced analytics, additional integrations) offered on a subscription basis.
  • Enterprise Solutions: Tailored packages for large organizations, including onboarding and customer support.
  • Ad-Supported Free Tier: Allowing free users to access advanced features in exchange for viewing non-intrusive ads.

Cost Structure

  • Development and Maintenance Costs: Salaries for developers, designers, and ongoing maintenance.
  • Marketing and Sales: Ad spend, sales team salaries, and promotional activities.
  • Customer Support: Dedicated support team for premium and enterprise clients.

Partnerships and Resources

  • Key Partnerships: Integrations with productivity tools (e.g., Slack, Notion), educational platforms, and content management systems.
  • Essential Resources: Reliable cloud hosting, AI development tools, and a team of experienced developers and marketers.

Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Plan

Core Features

  1. Step-by-Step Guide Creation: Users can create detailed guides with text, images, and videos.
  2. Browser-based Recording: Capture actions performed within the browser to automatically generate steps.
  3. Export Options: Export guides to PDF, Word, HTML.
  4. Basic Analytics: Track guide views and user feedback.

Timeline and Milestones

Initial Development StartMonth 1
Beta Version ReleaseMonth 2
User Feedback and IterationMonth 3
Official MVP LaunchMonth 4

Success Metrics

  • User Engagement: Time spent on the platform, frequency of use.
  • User Growth: Number of new users per month.
  • Feedback Quality: User ratings and qualitative feedback.

Go-to-Market Strategy

Introduction Strategy

  • Soft Launch to Beta Testers: Invite a small group of users to test the beta version and provide feedback.
  • Gather Reviews and Testimonials: Use early positive feedback to build credibility.

Marketing and Sales Strategies

  • Content Marketing: Publish blog posts, guides, and case studies demonstrating use cases and benefits.
  • Social Media Campaigns: Engage potential users through targeted ads and regular social media updates.
  • Influencer Partnerships: Collaborate with influencers in the productivity and educational spaces.

Primary Channels

  • Social Media: LinkedIn, Twitter, Reddit.
  • SEO and Content Marketing: Optimize for search engines and create valuable content.
  • Email Marketing: Newsletters to keep users informed about updates and new features.

By deploying a well-rounded strategy, the new Chrome extension can position itself as an invaluable tool for anyone looking to create step-by-step guides efficiently.

Relevant Sources

Chrome Extensions for Guide Creation


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r/chrome_extensions - August 4, 2023

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r/chrome_extensions - May 28, 2024

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r/bigquery - November 3, 2023

A post about a Chrome extension utilizing AI to generate queries and tutorials from simple text inputs, aimed at helping non-expert SQL users.


I've created a Chrome extension to generate instructions with screenshots automatically.

r/chrome_extensions - July 30, 2022

Presents a Chrome extension that generates step-by-step instructions with screenshots automatically based on user actions.


Creating a Chrome Extension - A Hands-On Tutorial with YouTube Remaining

r/DevTo - July 16, 2023

A detailed tutorial on creating a Chrome extension, including practical examples and tips for new developers.


[Tutorial]: How to build a chrome extension using TDD?

r/javascript - August 31, 2022

A tutorial post on building a Chrome extension using Test-Driven Development, providing insights and step-by-step guidelines.


r/chrome_extensions - August 7, 2022

This looks absolutely positively amazing and a total game changer for me…. So does it only work for websites in chrome or can we use it for like Microsoft office or other windows apps?


r/bigquery - November 3, 2023

Thanks for your submission to r/BigQuery. Did you know that effective July 1st, 2023, Reddit will enact policy changes affecting third-party reddit apps.

Productivity and Tutorial Challenges


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r/productivity - August 31, 2023

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r/productivity - August 22, 2021

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r/productivity - October 18, 2019

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r/antiwork - March 6, 2023

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r/productivity - August 31, 2023

I have discovered that Ublock origin can zap explore feeds, content recommendations, etc from Youtube, instagram, etc so I can actually just watch one video without being able to see all the algorithm recommended stuff that starts the doomscroll.


r/webdev - August 2, 2020

Man, it's surreal how similar our situations are... here are some interesting sites that might be helpful. I found that the best thing for me is to keep learning and creating my own projects, push through the boredom and tedium until you start to feel genuinely interested in the subject matter.


r/SaaS - March 19, 2023

Hey, its a nice idea but I am not sure that race car in the CTA is clear enough.


r/SaaS - March 19, 2023

You put up a demo but someone interested has to sign up for to see the demo. I'd much rather see a little movie of what it does, what it is used for, etc without adding my email address to your list.


No in-game tutorial for Oil??

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r/webdev - August 2, 2020

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Tutorials and Hands-on Guides


Creating your Chrome Extension: A Step-by-step Guide

r/DevTo - July 8, 2023

A comprehensive guide on creating Chrome extensions, providing a step-by-step walkthrough to help users build their extensions from scratch.


Built an extension to boost youtube tutorial productivity, what now?

r/SideProject - November 8, 2016

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r/ChatGPT - March 27, 2023

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r/Bubbleio - May 8, 2023

A tutorial post on creating a Chrome extension to integrate Figma designs with Bubble, providing a practical example and instructions.


How to Create a Chrome Extension that Rickrolls your Google Search results

r/chrome_extensions - January 19, 2023

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Building your own Chrome Extension: A Beginner’s Guide

r/DevTo - April 21, 2023

A beginner-friendly guide to building your own Chrome extension, outlining key steps and providing helpful tips for novice developers.


r/ChatGPT - March 27, 2023

Thank you for sharing this excellent non-programmer-now-programmer usage case.


r/chrome_extensions - September 27, 2023

Hey, nice extension it sounds a bit similar to surpademo? Come to the largest discord server for extension developers, now at ~200 members.


r/antiwork - March 6, 2023

Did this for a company with oversized load permits, built a binder with all necessary information. Suddenly got moved to night shift while the new guy couldn’t do the job.


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r/u_onlinewebtutor - February 23, 2023

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