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A course on oral hygiene

An educational course designed to teach individuals proper oral hygiene practices, including techniques for teeth cleaning, gum care, and overall mouth health.

Overall Viability
Market Need
User Interest
Competitive Landscape
Monetization Potential

Keyword Search Analysis

Keyword Monthly Search Volumes

KeywordAvg SearchesDifficultyCompetition
oral hygiene4050013LOW
teeth cleaning7400087HIGH
prevent cavities360032LOW
oral health education24003LOW
gum care360098HIGH
dental hygiene tips29009LOW
healthy mouth660096HIGH
teeth cleaning near me4950031LOW

Problem Statement

Based on an extensive analysis of Reddit discussions on oral hygiene, several recurring issues emerge:

  1. Persistent Oral Odor: Many individuals struggle with unpleasant breath despite regular oral hygiene practices. Users like this one describe comprehensive routines—including brushing thrice daily, using mouthwash, and tongue scraping—that fail to eliminate bad breath, often due to underlying dental issues like cavities or periodontal disease.

  2. Hygiene Misconceptions: There is a widespread misconception that poor oral health is solely due to inadequate hygiene habits. Discussions highlight that medical issues like stomach problems, sleep apnea, and tonsil stones can also result in bad breath (source).

  3. Dental Anxiety and Avoidance: Many Reddit users express anxiety about visiting dentists due to fear of judgment for their oral conditions (source). This results in further neglect and exacerbation of oral health issues.

  4. Inconsistent Hygiene Habits: Particularly amongst ADHD and depression sufferers, maintaining a consistent oral hygiene routine poses a significant challenge (source). These users might brush sporadically, leading to long-term dental problems.

  5. Cost Barriers: High costs of dental procedures deter many from seeking necessary treatments. Stories abound of individuals unable to afford root canals, fillings, or deep cleaning, leaving them with untreated oral issues and chronic pain (source).

Target Audience Insights

Analyzing the Reddit data, the target audience for an oral hygiene course encompasses a broad demographic:

  • Demographics: Adults, including working professionals, students, and individuals above 40 years old.
  • Interests: Health-conscious individuals, people suffering from dental anxiety or disorders like ADHD and depression, those with limited access to affordable dental care.
  • Behaviors:
    • Many individuals perform detailed oral hygiene routines yet face persistent problems.
    • Users show a significant interest in practical, affordable, and sustainable oral hygiene practices.
    • There is a substantial number of individuals seeking educational content to demystify proper techniques and correct misconceptions about oral health.

Competitive analysis

Key Competitors

  1. Traditional Dental Courses (e.g., offered by dental schools)
  2. Online Oral Hygiene Tutorials (e.g., YouTube, Udemy courses)
  3. Health and Hygiene Apps
  4. Dental Care Products Manufacturers (e.g., Oral-B, Colgate)
Traditional Dental CoursesIn-depth, certified education; access to dental professionalsExpensive, time-consuming, location-bound
Online Oral Hygiene TutorialsAccessible, affordable, diverse topicsVariable quality, lack of personalized feedback
Health and Hygiene AppsInteractive, habit tracking, remindersSubscription costs, inconsistent information
Dental Care Products ManufacturersBrand trust, high investment in R&D, user-friendly training materialsFocused on product promotion rather than comprehensive education

Business Model

Monetization Strategies

  1. Subscription-Based Model: Offer monthly or yearly subscriptions for continued access to updated content and personal feedback from dental experts.
  2. One-Time Purchase: Sell the course as a one-time purchase with lifetime access to content.
  3. Freemium Model: Provide basic content for free and premium content/features at a cost.
  4. Affiliate Marketing and Partnerships: Partner with dental product brands for promotions and feature their products in the educational material.

Cost Structure

  • Content Development: Creating high-quality video tutorials, written resources, interactive modules.
  • Platform Maintenance: Website/app development and maintenance costs.
  • Marketing and Advertising: Digital marketing campaigns to attract users.
  • Partnerships and Collaborations: Collaborations with dental experts for content authenticity.
  • Customer Support: Providing user assistance and support services.

Partnerships and Resources

  • Dental Experts and Institutions: Partner with dentists and dental schools for authoritative content.
  • Dental Care Brands: Collaborate with brands for product recommendations and sponsorships.
  • Mental Health Professionals: Work with psychologists to address dental anxiety and promote overall wellbeing.
  • Tech Companies: Develop user-friendly platforms for course delivery and engagement.

Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Plan

Core Features

  • Educational Video Tutorials: Covering basic to advanced oral hygiene techniques.
  • Printable Guides and Checklists: Step-by-step routines, best practices.
  • Interactive Modules: Quizzes, habit tracking, and reminders.
  • Q&A Sessions: Monthly live Q&A sessions with dental experts.
  • Community Forum: A platform for users to share experiences and advice.

Timeline and Milestones

  • Month 1-2: Market research and content development; partnerships with dental experts.
  • Month 3-4: Platform development and beta testing; initial content upload.
  • Month 5: Launch MVP; initial marketing campaign.
  • Month 6-7: Gather user feedback and iterate; improve content and add new modules.
  • Month 8: Full-scale marketing push; expansion of course features based on user feedback.

Success Metrics

  • User Enrollment and Retention Rates
  • User Engagement Levels: Time spent on the platform, participation in interactive modules.
  • User Feedback and Satisfaction Scores
  • Conversion Rate for Free to Paid Features

Go-to-Market Strategy

Market Introduction

  • Pre-Launch Campaign: Build anticipation through social media teasers, email newsletters, and partnerships with dental influencers.
  • Launch Events: Host webinars and live Q&A sessions with dental experts to introduce the course.

Marketing and Sales Strategies

  • Content Marketing: Regular blog posts, infographics, and video content on oral hygiene tips and tricks.
  • Social Media Campaigns: Utilize paid ads and organic content on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.
  • Influencer Partnerships: Collaborate with health and wellness influencers to reach a broader audience.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimize the website for relevant keywords to attract organic traffic.

Primary Channels for Reaching Target Audience

  • Social Media Platforms: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok.
  • Dental and Health Blogs/Websites: Guest posts and advertisements.
  • Email Marketing: Regular newsletters with educational content and updates.
  • Online Communities and Forums: Engage in discussions on Reddit, Quora, and health forums.

By addressing the identified problems, using insights from Reddit discussions, analyzing competition, and outlining a comprehensive MVP plan and go-to-market strategy, the proposed online course on oral hygiene has the potential to meet significant market demand and achieve success.

Relevant Sources

General Oral Hygiene Tips


Oral Hygiene Tips

r/autism - June 6, 2024

I’ve always had an issue with regular oral hygiene, especially twice a day, my teeth aren’t bad by any measure but I’ve had 4 cavities in the last two years, and I’m just wondering if anyone has any tips or experience getting in a better routine.


r/autism - June 6, 2024

Floss earlier in the evening, then brush later. That way you got to smaller manageable chores instead of one big daunting.


What dental hygiene tips do you recommend? What has made the biggest difference for your oral health?

r/beauty - February 10, 2024

Tongue scraping is something I discovered last year and I have not stopped doing it since. I feel like for the overall biome of my mouth this has made the biggest difference. But I want to hear your tips and why you think it works so well.


r/beauty - February 10, 2024

Water Pik and tongue scraping make my mouth feel so clean. I still string floss sometimes when I don't waterpik but waterpik feels so refreshing and has healed my periodontal pockets.


r/AskReddit - September 6, 2022

Brush your tongue as well as your teeth.

Benefits and Tools


r/beauty - February 10, 2024

Electric toothbrush.


r/beauty - February 10, 2024

A Water Pik was a game changer for me.


r/beauty - February 10, 2024

Invest in a tongue scraper!! Really helps when it comes to getting rid of bad breath!


What are your best oral hygiene tips?

r/AskReddit - January 17, 2024

What are your best oral hygiene tips?


Reminder to practice good oral hygiene :-)

r/memes - January 24, 2023

Reminder to practice good oral hygiene :-)

Challenges and Solutions


Tips for better oral hygiene?

r/adhdwomen - May 28, 2024

Hi, I find this quite embarrassing to admit but I struggle to brush my teeth regularly. I always brush them before I leave home but whenever I don't have any plans, I tend to either forget it or find it too overwhelming to do.


r/adhdwomen - May 28, 2024

If I wait until I’m getting ready for bed, it’s really hard to be motivated to brush. But if I bush earlier in the evening I’m more likely to do it.


r/adhdwomen - May 28, 2024

The Colgate wisps disposable little toothbrushes. They are in a red bag. Lifesaver!


r/adhdwomen - May 29, 2024

Brush earliar in the evening if you find it difficult to do before bedtime.


r/adhdwomen - May 28, 2024

Hygiene is my downfall. I keep a little cup of Dentek flossers by the couch where I sit and use them when I watch things on tv.

Myth Busting and Clarifications


Bad breathe does not mean Poor oral hygiene

r/unpopularopinion - February 5, 2022

Today I had an embarrassing moment. I work at a retail store and an older colleague straight up shouted at me that I have stinky breath, and that she can smell it the whole room I should go brush my teeth.


r/unpopularopinion - February 5, 2022

Cavities usually cause a bad persistent smell because it’s a rotting tooth. Once it’s there you can’t do anything but have a procedure to fix it


r/unpopularopinion - February 5, 2022

It sounds like a rotten tooth so yes I’m sure the root canal would help...


r/unpopularopinion - February 5, 2022

There are so many medical issues that can cause bad breath. Stomach problems, sleep apnea, even something stuck in your nasal cavity!


r/unpopularopinion - February 5, 2022

Maybe you’re doing too much and wearing down your enamel, but It’s possible you might have soft enamel as well.